The parish church of St Laurentius, Wonsees

Near Sanspareil

‘Sanspareil’  (French ‘without parallel’) was the name the margraves gave to their mythological rock garden beneath Castle Zwernitz. There are others just as lovely, but St Laurentius church is one of the most beautiful of the margrave churches.The medieval fortified church was continually enlarged over the centuries, and then renovated in baroque style between the years 1720-29, when it  was given furnishings full of religious messages which are worth seeing. The youthful baptismal angel, carved by J. C. Fischer (1710/11) and painted by J. J. Kolb carries the great baptismal bowl with ease. On the pulpit altar by the same sculptor, Moses and Aaron stand either side of the body of the pulpit, with the symbol of the eagle beneath the lectern. St Peter and St Paul stand on the left and on the right of the Risen Christ. Above this again, the disciples look up to follow Christ as He ascends to Heaven. Between the marbled beams and pillars, the galleries are painted with floral decorations and bowls of flowers. Two splendid processional crosses complete the baroque fittings. The Wieneck organ of 1856 may no longer have its lavish decorations, but its sound remains true to the tradition of Silbermann, the greatest of organ builders.
In the sacristy, the oldest part of the church, first mentioned in records in 1108, you can marvel at the preserved stone tablets of the St Laurentius altar by W. Katzheimer the Elder and at sculptures of the 15C when you take a church tour.

the church.

The parish church of St. Laurentius
Marktplatz 17
96197 Wonsees

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 10:00-16:00
From May until September church open until 19.00.

Evang.-Luth. Pfarramt Wonsees
09274 95017

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Car parking
  • Bus parking
  • Public transport
  • WC
  • Food and drink
  • Church tours

the surroundings.

It's worth going a little bit further: many churches lie on lovely cycle, walking and pilgrim paths. You will find an overview of them in the following map, as well as places worth seeing nearby. It also has links to local area, church and tourist information websites.

Bike tracks, pilgrim paths and hiking trails close to The parish church of St. Laurentius:

Obermain-Frankenwald-Tour 236 km Bayreuth Land BT 2 – Felsengarten und mittelalterliches Stadtensemble 27 km Kulmbach Land KU 10 27 km Bayreuth Land BT 1 – Zum Felsengarten Sanspareil 28 km Jean-Paul-Weg 200 km Ziegenfeldertal-Radweg 33 km Kulmbach Land KU 11 – Töpfervielfalt auf der Juraroute 20 km Thermentour 125 km Große Wonsees Erlebnisrunde 13 km Rundtour zum Felsengarten Sanspareil 8 km Von Krögelstein nach Sanspareil, durchs Kaiserbachtal zurück 17 km Markgrafenkirchen und sehr viel mehr
Tour 09: “Rund um Thurnau”
36 km

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